Atkins, Robert, Straight to Hell: 10 Years
of Dyke Action Machine!, (exhibition
catalog), 2001
Blake, Nayland, Lawrence Rinder, Amy
Scholder, eds., In A Different Light:
Visual Culture, Sexual Identity, Queer
Practice, City Lights, 1995
Hammond, Harmony, Lesbian Art in America: A
Contemporary History, Rizzoli, 2000
Hieber, Lutz and Paula-Irene Villa, Images
von Gewicht: Soziale Bewegungen, Queer
Theory and Kunst in den USA, Transcript
Verlag, Bielefeld, 2007
Lupton, Ellen, Mixing Messages: Graphic
Design in Contemporary Culture, Abrams,
McQuiston, Liz, Graphic Agitation 2: Social
and Political Graphics in the Digital Age,
Phaidon Press, 2004
McQuiston, Liz, Suffragettes to She-Devils:
Women’s Liberation and Beyond, Phaidon
Press, 1997
Smyth, Cherry, Damn Fine Art by New Lesbian
Artists, Cassell, 1996
Straayer, Chris, Deviant Eyes, Deviant
Bodies: Sexual Re-Orientations in Film and
Video, Columbia University Press, 1996
Turner, Kay, Dear Sappho: Lesbian Love
Letters, Past and Present, Thames &
Hudson, 1996
Atkins, Robert, “Girls With Wheatpaste and
Webspace,” The Media Channel, May 2001
Atkins, Robert, “Scene & Heard,” The
Village Voice, July 1994
Becker, Jochen, “Gegenöffentlichkeit hinter
Glas,” Die Tageszeitung, June 26, 1999
Becker, Jochen, “Unbehagen der
Geschlechter,” Kunstforum International,
September-November, 1999
Costello, Devon and Esme Wantanabe,
“Ameri©an Dre@m,” NY Arts Magazine, March
24, 2003
Cotter, Holland, “Innovators Burst Onstage
One (Ka-pow!) at a Time,” The New York
Times, November 10, 2000
Cvetkovich, Ann, “Fierce Pussies and
Lesbian Avengers,” Feminist Consequences:
Theory for the New Century, Elisabeth
Bronfen and Misha Kavka, eds., Columbia
University Press, 2001
Deitcher, David, ed., A Question Of
Equality: Gay Politics In America Since
Stonewall, Scribners, 1995
“Frauen & Gestaltung: Der Kleine
Unterschied,” Page, December 1999
Glanz, Alexandra, “Das gesammelte
Unbehagen” Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung,
May 26, 1999
Greenfield, Beth, “Designs on You,” Time
Out New York, September 23-30, 2004
Halden, Loann, “Art, Activism and
Intimacy,” TWN: The Weekly News, July 8,
Hannaham, James, “Best of the Net: Dyke
TV...,” The Village Voice, October 1996
Harris, Elise, “Agit Pop,” Out, July 1996
Haynes, Esther, “They’re
Not Sisters,” Jane, December 1999
Ingram, Gordon Brent, “In Search of Queer
Space on the Internet,” Border/Lines, Fall
Joselit, David, “Exhibiting Gender,” Art In
America, January 1997
Levin, Kim, “Art Listings: Ameri©an Dre@m,”
The Village Voice, March 19-25, 2003
Lippy, Tod, “Dial Tone,” Print VI, 1996
Loos, Tod, “Lesbian Poster Girls,” The
Advocate, December 22, 1998
Miya-Jervis, Lisa, “Profile: Dyke Action
Machine!,” Bitch, Summer 1999
“News From the Loop: Dyke Action
Machine...,” Flash Art, Summer 1995
Osman, Jena and Juliana Spahr, eds.,
“Documentary,” Chain #2, 1995
Rand, Erica, “Troubling Customs,” New Art
Examiner, Summer 1998
Reusch, Wera, “I want a dyke for
president,” Köln StadtRevue, July 1999
Schlesinger, Toni and Guy Trebay, “Alphabet
City,” The Village Voice, December 1998
Schorr, Collier, “Poster Girls,” Artforum,
October 1994
Shapiro, Carolyn, “Directed Action,” High
Performance, Summer 1995
Siffrin-Peters, Annette, “Vom Unbehagen der
Geschlechter” Aachener Nachrichten, May 31,
Simpson, Les, “Tripping Down Memory Lane,”
Time Out New York, October 12, 2000
Strong, Lester, ”OUT 100: the Year’s Most
Intriguing Gay People,” Out, December 2002
Teckel, Augustina, “D.A.M. Muffiosi,” (Not
Only) One, 2000
Tietenberg, Annette, “Überraschung in der
Mittagspause,” Frankfurter Allgemeine
Zeitung, June 21, 1999
“Unbehagen der Geschlechter im Neuen
Aachener Kunstverein,” Kunst-Bulletin, N.
7-8, July/August 1999
Moyer, Carrie, “Do You Love the Dyke In
Your Face: Lesbian Street Representation,”
Queers In Space, Gordon Brent Ingram, ed.,
Bay Press, 1997
Moyer, Carrie, “Do You Love the Dyke In
Your Face: Lesbian Street Representation,”
Lips, Tits, Hits, Power? Popkulture und
Feminismus, Annette Baldauf, Katherina
Weingartner, eds. Folio Verlag, Vienna,
Moyer, Carrie, “United Society of
Believers,” Cultural Politics, Volume 3,
Issue 3, November 2007
Moyer, Carrie, “From Margin to Mainstream:
Dyke Action Machine!, Public Art and the
Recent History of Lesbian Representation,”
The Practice of Public Art, Cameron
Cartiere and Shelly Willis, eds. Routledge,
Straight to Hell: 10 Years of Dyke Action
Machine! Yerba Buena Center for the Arts,
San Francisco, CA; Diverseworks, Houston,
TX (traveling exhibition with catalog)
Reclaiming the “F” Word: Posters on
International Feminisms, California State
University, Northridge, CA
Break the Rules! Sammlung Hieber/Theising,
Mannheimer Kunstverein, Mannheim, Germany
When Artists Say We, Artists
Space, New York, NY
Twofold: Collaborations on
Campus, Richard L. Nelson Gallery and Fine
Arts Collection, University of California,
Davis, CA
Republican Like Me, Parlour Projects,
Brooklyn, NY
Ameri©an Dre@m: A Survey, Ronald Feldman
Fine Arts, New York, NY
Illegal Art: Freedom of Expression in the
Corporate Age, CBGB’s 313 Gallery, New
York, NY; SFMOMA Artist Gallery, San
Francisco, CA
Queer Commodity, Mount Saint Vincent
University Art Gallery, Halifax, Nova
Scotia Raw Womyn, Athens Institute of
Contemporary Art, Athens, GA
The Biggest Games in Town,
Künstlerwerkstatt Lothringer Strasse,
Munich, Germany The Color of Friendship,
Shedhalle, Zürich, Switzerland
Gender Trouble, Neuer Aachener Kunstverein,
Aachen, Germany
Vraiment: Féminisme et Art, Le Magasin,
Centre National D’Art Contemporain de
Grenoble, France (catalog)
Revolution Girl-Style,
Messepalast/Museumquartier, Vienna, Austria
Patriotism, The Lab, San Francisco, CA
Mixing Messages: Graphic Design in
Contemporary Culture, Cooper-Hewitt
National Design Museum (catalog)
Gender, Fucked, Center on Contemporary Art,
Seattle, WA
Portraiture, White Columns, New York, NY
Counterculture: Alternative Information
from the Underground Press to the Internet,
Exit Art/The First World, New York, NY
In A Different Light, University Art
Museum, Berkeley, CA (catalog)
You Are Missing Plenty If You Don’t Buy
Here: Images of Consumerism in American
Photography, Frances Lehman Loeb Art
Center, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY
Copy-Art, Oldenburg University, Oldenburg,
Amendments, Hallwalls, Buffalo, NY
Becoming Visible: The Legacy of Stonewall,
New York Public Library, New York, NY
Stadtmuseum, Munich and Hygiene-Museum,
Dresden, Germany Kunst und AIDS,
International AIDS Conference, Berlin,
In A Different Light
Nayland Blake
Suffragettes to She Devils
Liz McQuistion
Lesbian Art in America
Harmony Hammond
Graphic Agitation2
Liz McQuiston
Mixing Messages
Ellen Lupton